国際情報研究 第4号目次                    

PDF 日本型「企業内大学」の発展                                                      大嶋淳俊

The Development of Japanese Style “Corporate University”

                                                                                    OSHIMA Atsutoshi

PDF 場と集団的ダイバーシティ・マネジメントの勧め                                 三木佳光

On the Diversity Management to Create the Corporate Value
-HRM to Respect “Thoughts, Consciousness, Behaviors of Employees”to be Diversified-                                                     
                                                                                       Yoshimitsu Miki
PDF 大学のキャリア教育における情報リテラシー科目の役割        木村栄宏 ・粕川正光

The Roll of Information Literacy Program in Career Education in University.

                                                         KIMURA Hidehiro, KASUKAWA Masamitu

ヨーロッパにおける水環境政策への市民参加の仕組と環境情報の役割    岩田 元一

Public Participation in the EU Water Framework Directive
and the Role of Environmental Information

                                                                                                       IWATA Motokazu